(+4) 0771 784 226


Str. Topaz 26, Bragadiru, 077025, Jud. ILFOV




  • E-ZOOTECH - the solution for your farm
  • E-ZOOTECH - the solution for your farm
  • E-ZOOTECH - the solution for your farm

Farm Consultation 

This service is designed to provide monthly oversight or review for ownership who do not wish to turn over daily management to third party. On our visits of consultation we provide the following services:

1.            Walk through unit and review records, production and facility management looking at ways we can improve your system’s output on an ongoing basis.

2.            Provide a follow up report in detail with all topics and issues covered on the farm during the walk through.

3.            Benchmark analysis of farms production by genetics, farm size, feed company, and overall performance to give ownership a comparison of their system versus the industry performance.

4.            Bring new technology and ideas to the system that will assist in increasing the system’s production capabilities.

5.            Straight forward approach at what may need changed in order to put the farm at a targeted level of production.

6.            Financial review when provided financials on what we can do to trim cost and improve efficiency.

Onsite Pig Starter Training 

At eZootech, we offer a training program on how to properly start pigs at weaning this is a comprehensive program that puts us on the site for the first 3-days of arrival and provides a foundation for grower to properly start pigs and get the pigs off to a great start at weaning eliminating a lot of major pig management issues in the nursery phase as they transition from farrowing to off site nursery or wean to finish facility.


1.            Sanitation and set up.

2              Feed budget setup and management of a feed budget.

3.            Feeder adjustments.

4.            Health protocol and management.

5.            Sorting and establishing proper pen mates.

6.            Treatments and sick pig identification.

7.            Record keeping and data analysis.

8.            Ventilation set up and ongoing management of all aspects of ventilation.

9.            Pulling down fall back pigs and management of the sick pens.

10.          Proper handling.

11.          Proper euthanization.

12.          Biosecurity. 

Marketing Logistics

  1.              Transportation management.

    2.            Load marking.

    3.            Sales projections based on growth curves.

    4.            Marketing analysis.

    5.            Trucker review and auditsransportation management.

    2.            Load marking.

    3.            Sales projections based on growth curves.

    4.            Marketing analysis.

    5.            Trucker review and auditsdministrarea transportului.

Sow production records

Zootech provides record bureau through our Sow management software company license.  Find details about  Sow watcher  in link provided.


Calculate your Offer

Complete the form and your can estimate cost on your own .

About Us

We offer solutions to your farm’s production and health needs. We work with every aspect of the business, from breeding to processing. We add value to your operation’s bottom line by increasing performance and bringing modern production practices to your food producing animals operation. We encourage you to call and find out what we could do for your operation.   

Contact us

    Str. Topaz 26, Bragadiru, 077025, Jud. ILFOV
  • +40 771 784 226

  • contact@e-zootech.com

  • 9:00 - 17:00

© 2017 - 2025 ZOOTECH EFFECTIVE SRL | www.webskycms.com

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